Page 4Results: During treatment D, a significant increase was observed in DO 2 I, CaO 2 and [Hb] between T0 and T1. While CaO 2 and [Hb] remained significantly higher at T2 compared to T0, DO 2 I at T2 was not significantly different from T0. During treatment D+F a significant increase was observed in FBF between T0 and T1. However FBF at T2 was not significantly different from T0. A significant difference between treatments was recorded at T1 for [Hb] and CaO 2 and at T2 for [Hb]. There was no change in CI during either treatment.
Conclusion:Administration of dobutamine alone significantly increased DO 2 I while coadministration of dobutamine and fluids did not. In contrast co-administration of crystalloid fluids and dobutamine significantly increased FBF, while dobutamine alone did not.