The Idaho National Laboratory supports multiple programs that are actively developing, testing, and evaluating new nuclear fuels including advanced commercial nuclear fuels, accident tolerant fuels, reduced-enrichment research reactor fuels, transmutation fuels, and advanced reactor fuels. Post irradiation examinations (PIE) of nondestructive and destructive techniques are performed at INL to research nuclear fuel behavior and performance under various conditions. The Neutron Radiography Reactor (NRAD) at INL is utilized to perform nondestructive examinations of irradiated nuclear fuels and the results of these examinations are used to aid in the decision making process for subsequent destructive exams. NRAD has historically performed transfer method neutron radiography with film as the imaging medium. This paper documents the effort to convert from film to computed radiography for PIE. Equipment selection, system characterization, and testing were performed as part of phase I. Phase II, as described in this paper, focuses on determining image resolution of the computed radiography system.