In patients with confirmed or suspected type 1 von Willebrand disease (VWD), adenotonsillectomy has been reported to be associated with a rate of peri-operative hemorrhage between 8 and 23%. Desmopressin acetate (DDAVP, 1-deamino 8-D arginine- vasopressin) is the treatment of choice for type 1 patients with baseline von Willebrand factor levels of 10 IU/dL or greater. DDAVP is generally well tolerated; however, severe hyponatremia and seizures have been reported in young children less than 2 years of age, limiting its use in this age group. Antifibrinolytic therapy plays an important adjunctive role in the effective treatment of mucocutaneous bleeding, particularly in the oropharynx where the salivary concentration of fibrinolytic enzymes is high. During the past 10 years, we treated 6 pediatric patients with mild/moderate type 1 VWD undergoing an adenotonsillar procedure at our institution with the same hemostatic regimen consisting of one single dose of DDAVP and an extended use of EACA. In this small case series, the above mentioned prophylactic treatment regimen was both well tolerated and efficacious in controlling hemorrhage. Furthermore, DDAVP-related complications were avoided in a pediatric population with a higher risk of developing them.