Fixation of N, by legume root nodules can be rapidly and severely inhibited by a range of environmental perturbations, including defoliation, drought, salinity, and application of nitrate. Stress can also be induced by experimental approaches such as placing plants in prolonged darkness (Gordon et al., 1993;Gogorcena et al., 1997). One explanation for this decline in N, fixation in response to stress is that the ODB operates to reduce O, flux into the nodule and thus prevent damage to nitrogenase activity Hunt and Layzell, 1993). However, the means by which such stresses can induce the operation of the ODB have not yet been established.Recently, the idea that the ODB is solely responsible for the control of nodule N, fixation during stress has been challenged (Guérin et al., 1990; Diaz de1 Castillo et al., 1994; Diaz de1 Castillo and Layzell, 1995) because nodule metabolic potential is also impaired in response to drought stress. However, the primary effect is unclear. It could be the reduced import of photosynthates, which means that less carbohydrate is available for nodule function (however, see Durand et al., 1987), or the reduced demand for N This work was funded through the Biotechnology and Biolog-