A new, yet simple method for fabricating high-quality bandpass filters is proposed. Utilising the CO 2 laser irradition along the linearly chirped fibre Bragg grating, a D-shaped structure is engraved and a bandpass filter with nearly 100% transmissivity, .0.6 nm 3 dB bandwidth, ,0.1 dB flat-top ripple and .71 dB/nm slope at 3 dB amplitude response is obtained.Introduction: Fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) are attractive as optical filters owing to their low insertion loss, compactness and cost efficiency [1]. Owing to counterpropagating core modes coupling, FBGs are traditionally used as band-reflection filters unless additional devices such as a coupler or high-cost circulator are employed. By creating a passband peak within the stopband using a thermal head [2], UV exposure [3], external refractive index perturbation [4], a microchannel [5], or by forming a Fabry-Perot resonator [6], several FBG-based bandpass filters have been investigated. However, the Lorentzian shape and ultra-narrow bandwidth (typically in picometres) of these reported passband filters are undesirable in WDM system applications [7], which normally require a wider bandwidth, larger transmissivity and a flatter passband top. Recently, combining the thermally-induced temporary effect with the original permanent passband, a method to broaden transmission bandwidth has been proposed by Xia et al. [8]. The complex control and ripple-top characteristic make it unsuitable for practical application. In this Letter, we propose and demonstrate for the first time, a novel high-quality passband filter by engraving a D-shaped structure within linearly chirped fibre Bragg grating (LCFBG) utilising high-power CO 2 laser irradiation.