DOI: 10.1002/cne.20114
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Postsynaptic localization of γ‐aminobutyric acid transporters and receptors in the outer plexiform layer of the goldfish retina: An ultrastructural study

Abstract: The gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic system in the outer plexiform layer (OPL) of the goldfish retina was studied via light and electron immunohistochemistry. The subcellular distributions of immunoreactivity (-IR) of plasma membrane GABA transporters GAT2 and GAT3, the alpha1 and alpha3 subunits of the ionotropic GABA(A) receptor, and the rho1 subunit of the ionotropic GABA(C) receptor were determined. The localization of the GAT2-IR and GAT3-IR to horizontal cell dendrites at the base of the cone synapti… Show more

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Cited by 25 publications
(28 citation statements)
References 78 publications
(112 reference statements)
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“…GABA A receptors are well known as the predominant ionotropic receptors for fast inhibitory neurotransmission in the CNS. Electrophysiological and/or immunohistochemical studies demonstrate that GABA A -receptors are distributed in the CNS and the retina [26][27][28][29], brainstem [30] and Mauthner cells [31] in goldfish, in the cerebellum of zebrafish [32], and in the optic tectum and the vagal, facial, and glossopharyngeal lobes of the carp [33]. Activation of GABA A receptors induced a decrease in "free-swimming" of the marine teleost that was reflected mostly in explorative type of behaviors during which the animals bumped against objects in the tank or their tank mates, and in an increase of resting states, although GABA A -receptors agonist muscimol induced an increase in the feeding behavior.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…GABA A receptors are well known as the predominant ionotropic receptors for fast inhibitory neurotransmission in the CNS. Electrophysiological and/or immunohistochemical studies demonstrate that GABA A -receptors are distributed in the CNS and the retina [26][27][28][29], brainstem [30] and Mauthner cells [31] in goldfish, in the cerebellum of zebrafish [32], and in the optic tectum and the vagal, facial, and glossopharyngeal lobes of the carp [33]. Activation of GABA A receptors induced a decrease in "free-swimming" of the marine teleost that was reflected mostly in explorative type of behaviors during which the animals bumped against objects in the tank or their tank mates, and in an increase of resting states, although GABA A -receptors agonist muscimol induced an increase in the feeding behavior.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The GAT-1 subtype of the GABA transporter has previously been localized to the IPL in goldfish (Klooster et al, 2004), salamander , and rat (Johnson et al, 1996) retina. In addition, it has been shown that GAT-1 can limit conventional synaptic activation of bipolar cell GABA C receptors in the salamander retina and influence postsynaptic ganglion cell excitation (Ichinose and Lukasiewicz, 2002).…”
Section: Gat-1 Transporters On Amacrine Cellsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Therefore, GABA A receptor-containing synapses may not experience the same elevations in extracellular GABA as the GABA C receptor-containing synapses at the bipolar cell terminal. Importantly, it is known that both GAT-2 and GAT-3 GABA transporters are present along with GAT-1 in the IPL of goldfish retina (Klooster et al, 2004). Thus, these transporters may be colocalized with GABA A receptors and could serve to protect them from elevated extracellular GABA spillover during NO-711 application.…”
Section: Gat-1 Transporters On Amacrine Cellsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…GABA should have an opposite effect to the glutamate response in Onbipolar and Off-bipolar dendrites. It is known that ionotropic GABA receptors are expressed in both On-bipolar and Off-bipolar dendrites [1,2]. GABA receptors are Cl À -permeable channels, and the effect of GABA largely depends on the local Cl À electrochemical gradient (E Cl ).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%