Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)h ave evolveda s an exciting class of materials in the domain of porousm aterials. The unique features of these materials arise from the combined properties of metal ions/clusters and organic struts which form the building blockso ft hese fascinating architectures. Amongo ther multifarious applications,M OFs have shown tremendous applications as sensory materials for aw ide variety of species. Thes ignal transduction induced mechanism in these confined nanospaces generate opticalo utput in response to ap articular analyte which can be detected by wide variety of detection techniques. Fluorometric methods of sensing is one of widely studied method over past few decades. MOF-based fluorometric detection is ak ey research theme developed over the past few years. In this review,w egive ab rief overview of the recent developments of MOFs as "turn-on" sensors for aw ider ange of analytes (viz. cations,a nions, volatile organic compounds (VOCs),e tc.).