Summary. In storage tissue of Beta vulgaris L., carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone or cyanide+salicylhydroxamic acid reduce cell electropotentials from about -200 to below -100 inV. The relationship between potential and cellular ATP level is examined during treatment with different concentrations of inhibitors. At low ATP levels the potential rises sharply with increases in ATP, but above an ATP level of approximately 50% of the uninhibited level the potential changes very little with ATP concentration. A plot of membrane potential vs. 86Rb+ influx or of potential vs. net K + uptake indicates that as the level of inhibition is decreased, the potential tends to reach a limit while cation influx and net uptake continue to increase. Resistance measurements, although subject to difficulties of interpretation, indicate no change in conductance with potential, ion flux, or ATP level. Thus the membrane potential should directly reflect electrogenic pump activity, attributed to active uncoupled H + efflux. K + uptake can occur against its electrochemical gradient and is attributed to a coupled K + influx/H + efflux pump. The results show that the electrogenic pump activity is independent of the K+/H + exchange rate. Thus electrogenic H + efflux and K+/H + exchange may represent different transport systems, or different modes of operation of a single pump with variable stoichiometry.Electrogenic pumps, i.e., primary transport processes which contribute directly to the membrane potential, are a conspicuous feature of plant cells [26]. In most cases it appears to be the efflux of H § which gives rise to an energy-dependent hyperpolarization. Net * Current address: Department of Biology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4, Canada.H + efflux is usually associated with the accumulation of K § or other cations, but the link between these ion movements is not yet clear. Slices of storage tissue of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) appear to be a favorable material for investigation of the relation between these transport processes [25] since a large and prolonged efflux of H+, an equivalent influx of K +, and a conspicuous hyperpolarization are all evoked by raising the external pH from about pH 6.5 to pH7.5. Other ion movements such as active (K + +C1-) influx are not sensitive to pH and are much smaller than K+/H + exchange at high pH. In the present study, membrane potentials in beet cells at high pH are investigated in relation to changes in ATP level brought about by metabolic inhibitors, especially cyanide. In addition, membrane potentials are compared with cation influx over various levels of metabolic inhibition, and the results are interpreted in terms of possible schemes of energy coupling for the electrogenic pump and for the accumulation of cations.
Materials and Methods
Tissue Preparation