Background: Workers have a risk of work accidents and Occupational Diseases (PAK) caused by the work process, behavior at work, and the work environment. Identification of potential hazards and risk assessment is the first step to find hazards in the workplace and then carry out control measures to create a safe and healthy workplace.
Objective: Knowing potential hazards, environmental risk values, and physical working conditions in the Metal Casting Industry of X.
Method: The method used in this study is a descriptive survey. The number of samples in this study were 36 workers. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation activities using sheetsJob Safety Analysis (JSA) and risk assessment sheets, interviews using interview guides, and measurements of physical working conditions usingenvironment meter. The data analysis carried out is descriptive analysis which provides an overview of potential hazards and environmental risk values.
Results: Overall there are 54 potential hazards in the production process at CV Dwi Jaya Logam which consist of a wet mold making process, there are 12 potential hazards, dry mold making CO method2 there are 10 potential hazards, metal smelting has 20 potential hazards, pouring molten metal into the mold has 6 potential hazards, and disassembling the mold has 6 potential hazards. There are 28 potential hazards in the production process at CV Mulya Jaya consisting of grinding there are 6 potential hazards, cutting iron using a saw machine there are 2 potential hazards, drilling there are 6 potential hazards, turning there are 4 potential hazards, making holes using machinesscrap there are 3 potential hazards, the formation of workpieces using machinesmilling there are 2 potential hazards, welding has 3 potential hazards, and product painting has 2 potential hazards. Overall, the physical working environment conditions in the form of temperature and lighting at CV Dwi Jaya Logam and CV Mulya Jaya did not meet the requirements, while the results of noise measurements at the two locations met the requirements.
Conclusion: Potential hazards found in the metal casting industry CV Dwi Jaya Logam, namely 54 potential hazards which are divided into 2 levels of risklow, 10 levels of riskmoderate, 30 levels of risk high, and 12 levels of riskextreme. CV Mulya Jaya Metal casting industry identified 28 potential hazards divided into 4 risk levelslow, 4 levels of riskmoderate, 12 levels of risk high, and 8 levels of riskextreme. These potential hazards come from the physical work environment (temperature, lighting, and noise) and the production process at each work step. The results of measurements of the physical working environment in the form of temperature do not meet the requirements according to the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia No. 5 of 2018, the average lighting measurement results are also . do not meet the requirements according to Regulation of the Minister of Health No. 70 of 2016, and the average noise measurement results meet the requirements according to the Indonesian Minister of Manpower Regulation No. 5 of 2018.