A 2-D mathematical model of the secondary current distribution in a three-electrode cell is used in order to understand distortion of impedance spectra influenced by the position of the reference electrode (RE) in a cell when one electrode extends past the other. The cell setup consists of a modified coin cell, i.e., working and counter electrodes face each other, and a RE is positioned behind the counter electrode (CE) that has a small hole in it to allow for electrolyte access. This configuration shows large distortion of WE and CE impedance data when taken against the RE. The WE/RE impedance is underestimated and contains a negative impedance contribution from the CE whereas the CE/RE impedance is overestimated and contains a positive impedance contribution from the WE. As supported by simulations, the distortions arise from a radial ionic current flowing from the WE toward the edge of the CE hole, and are minimized through an increase of the electrolyte conductivity, an increase of the separator thickness, or a decrease of the hole size in the CE. The distortions nearly disappear when an additional hole is included in the WE that is perfectly aligned with the hole in the CE. These results should be considered whenever designing a 3-electrode cell where the RE is not sandwiched between the two other electrodes.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) proves a powerfultechnique to analyze limiting phenomena in Li-ion batteries. Analysis of EIS spectra allows in principle to separate out and quantify the various contributions to the overall cell impedance, such as charge transfer at the solid/electrolyte interfaces, diffusion, electrolyte resistance, etc. In order to separate out the effects at anode and cathode, a reference electrode (RE) is introduced in the cell, and impedance is measured between the working electrode (WE) and the RE and between the counter electrode (CE) and the RE. Positioning of the reference electrode turns out to be non-trivial, because for particular three-electrode cell configurations, EIS spectra exhibit distortions and meaningful analysis of the data is not straightforward.This problem has long been pointed out and investigated in the fuelcell community. In fuel cells, the electrolyte membrane layer usually extends past that of the electrodes to limit gas mixing, and the RE is positioned at one side of the electrolyte layer, in an area which is not covered with the electrodes. Distortion of the EIS signal was shown to arise whenever the WE and CE are misaligned or are of different surface area, but it is observed as well in the absence of geometrical mismatch, whenever the time constants of the two electrodes differ substantially from each other. Readers are invited to refer to Refs. 1 and 2 for an extensive modeling and experimental study on this type of cell. Other modeling works are detailed as well in the introduction of those references.To our knowledge, there have been many less studies for the case of batteries. As recommended from a modeling study by Newman and Tiedema...