Concentrations are given in percent (%), parts per million (ppm), and parts per billion (ppb). Street-Dirt Accumulation Rates Street-dirt accumulation rates are given in grams per curb meter per day (g/curb-m/d). Intuitively, accumulation rates should be reported in units of mass per unit area per unit time. Street dirt accumulates along curbs, however, and therefore accumulation rates are reported in units of mass per unit curb length per unit time as has been the practice in other investigations reporting street-dirt accumulation. For example, one kilogram of street dirt accumulated on a street surface that is one kilometer in length over one day would be equal to 0.5 grams per curb meter per day; one kilometer of street has two kilometers of curb length or 2000 curb meters. Abbreviations BMPs best management practices DIW deionized water HEPA high-efficiency particulate air filter ICPES inductively coupled plasma-emission spectroscopy