Abstract. Several families of one-point interactions are derived from the system consisting of two and three δ-potentials which are regularized by piecewise constant functions. In physical terms such an approximating system represents two or three extremely thin layers separated by some distance. The two-scale squeezing of this heterostructure to one point as both the width of δ-approximating functions and the distance between these functions simultaneously tend to zero is studied using the power parameterization through a squeezing parameter ε → 0, so that the intensity of each δ-potential is c j = a j ε 1−µ , a j ∈ R, j = 1, 2, 3, the width of each layer l = ε and the distance between the layers r = cε τ , c > 0. It is shown that at some values of intensities a 1 , a 2 and a 3 , the transmission across the limit point interactions is non-zero, whereas outside these (resonance) values the one-point interactions are opaque splitting the system at the point of singularity into two independent subsystems. Within the interval 1 < µ < 2, the resonance sets consist of two curves on the (a 1 , a 2 )-plane and three disconnected surfaces in the (a 1 , a 2 , a 3 )-space. While approaching the parameter µ to the critical value µ = 2, three types of splitting these sets into countable families of resonance curves and surfaces are observed.