EinleitungDie Menschen werden immer älter, aber alle wollen jünger bleiben. Die Haut ist das Organ, das dem Altern am sichtbarsten unterworfen ist, wobei zahlreiche endogene und exogene Faktoren die natürlichen Alterungsvorgänge beschleunigen können. Umgangssprachlich sagt man, die Haut sei ein Spiegel der Gesundheit. Während in der Renaissance die Maler Schönheit als Korpulenz und blasse Haut als schön ansahen (Abb.
AbstractIt is a well-known fact that the desire for beauty has always occupied mankind. According to the ideal of beauty, the most different methods for improvement of the appearance were carried out. The increasing portion of elderly people of the population with consecutive intrinsic and extrinsic skin aging gives this situation a special dynamics. Next to the beauty ideal preventive and curative measures during these life decades receive a prerogative meaning. The numerous positive effects of estrogen therapy in women are well-known, whereby there is more and more evidence that anti-aging effects occur through estrogen intake. Phytoestrogens derive from plants and have an estrogen-like effectiveness. Lately, creams containing phytoestrogens with the isoflavonoid compounds genistein and daidzein have been used for wrinkle-reduction. In this overview the actual knowledge regarding phytoestrogens is presented.
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