The influence of different types of fertilizers on the yield and energy efficiency of winter wheat cultivation was evaluated. It was found that the highest productivity was obtained under the organic-mineral fertilizer system, which involves the combined use of 12 t/ha of cattle bedding manure and mineral fertilizers in a dose of N100Р60К100, applied against the background of two-time fertilization with complex chelated fertilizers at a dose of 2 l/ha, where the yield was 5.67 t/ha, and when applying a double mineral dose (N100Р60К100) and a triple dose (N150Р90К150) – 5.76 and 6.00 t/ha respectively, which in terms of yield growth was lower than the NIR05 values. The combined use of litter manure and mineral fertilizers resulted in a synergistic effect, as winter wheat grain yields were 15–20 % lower when mineral and organic fertilizers were applied separately than when they were applied together. Increasing NPK doses by 1.5 times to N150P90K150 compared to N100P60K100 did not compensate for the lack of manure. Under the organic fertilizer system, the grain yield was the highest when OMBF was applied at a dose of 2 t/ha against a background of pea straw 3 t/ha, which amounted to 5.18 t/ha with an increase of 41 %, compared to the control (straw). The highest levels of energy efficiency were determined for the application of organic-mineral fertilizer of the organic brand in doses of 1 and 2 t/ha (5.4 and 5.3) and OMBF brand 4-4-4 in a dose of 1 t/ha (5.2). Under the organic-mineral system of fertilizing application of N50P30K50 and N100P60K100 at the background of 12 t/ha of manure established the index of energy efficiency at the level of 3.4 and 3.7 units, respectively. Application of cattle manure at a dose of 12 t/ha did not provide a significant difference in crop energy, compared to the variant 6 t/ ha – 75755 and 73305 MJ/ha respectively, but due to increased energy inputs in production and application of more manure Kee was 3.9 and 4.6 respectively.
Key words: cattle manure, fertilizers, OMBF, yield, mineral fertilizers, by-products, fertilizer system, energy efficiency.