A dichotomy exists in the design of modern microelectronic systems: they must be low power and high performance, simultaneously. This dichotomy largely arises from the use of these systems in battery-operated portable (wearable) platforms. Accordingly, the goal of low-power design for battery-powered electronics is to extend the battery service life while meeting performance requirements. Unless optimisations are applied at different levels, the capabilities of future portable systems will be severely limited by the weight of the batteries required for an acceptable duration of service. In fixed, power-rich platforms, the packaging cost and power density/reliability issues associated with high power and high performance systems also force designers to look for ways to reduce power consumption. Thus, reducing power dissipation is a design goal even for non-portable devices since excessive power dissipation results in increased packaging and cooling costs as well as potential reliability problems. Meanwhile, following Moore's Law, integrated circuit densities and operating speeds have continued to go up in unabated fashion. The result is that chips are becoming larger, faster and more complex and because of this, consuming increasing amounts of power.These increases in power pose new and difficult challenges for integrated circuit designers. While the initial response to increasing levels of power consumption was to reduce the supply voltage, it quickly became apparent that this approach was insufficient. Designers subsequently began to focus on advanced design tools and methodologies to address the myriad of power issues. Complicating designers' attempts to deal with these issues are the complexities -logical,