This paper presents the situation of the photovoltaic power plants nationwide (Romania) and in particular the situation of the photovoltaic (PV) power plants in Mureş county. It also describes the minimal technical conditions that a PV power plant must fulfill before it is connected to the national grid. A particular case study consists of the impact that the PV power plant in Chirileu has on the Medium Voltage line Ungheni-Cipău and the interconnection High Voltage station in Ungheni. The case study contains an analysis of the voltage drops in predefined points, power flows with and without the PV power plant connected, respectively active power losses across the line. The study will be performed upon the photovoltaic power plant with an installed capacity of 3.2 MW connected to the 20 kV Ungheni-Cipău overhead power line and supplied from 220/110/20 kV Ungheni system station. Index Terms-impact on power system, photovoltaic power plant, power flow, voltage level.I.