The authors report on the analysis of the polymer constraint effect and its use for a micromachined electrothermal bimorph actuator. The actuated displacement is enhanced due to the polymer constraint effect. Both the thermal expansion and apparent Young's modulus of the constrained polymer blocks are significantly improved, compared with the no constraint case. The calculation that agrees well with experimental results provides the means to optimize the design of the constrained polymer stack electrothermal microactuator. © 2007 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.2779929͔ Thermal expansion of polymer is currently widely used in microactuators to produce large motion at low temperature. In most of the polymeric electrothermal actuators reported in literature, a thin metal layer deposited on the top surface of the polymer structures is employed as heater. 1,2 Hence, the heat transfer interface between the heater and the polymer is rather limited. Since the polymer layers have low heat conduction rate, the actuator dimensions need to be small enough to get a good vertical temperature profile in the structure. Consequently, the resulting motion is quite limited. Moreover, the unintended vertical movement couples and interferes with the desired lateral movement of the structures.In this letter, we report on a silicon-polymer electrothermal bimorph actuator with a large motion range. This actuator has a silicon comb finger structure with a metal heater on top. The gaps between comb fingers are filled with polymer ͓see Fig. 1͑a͔͒. When the heater is activated, the generated heat is efficiently transferred to the surrounding polymer through the deep silicon comb finger structures that have a large heat transfer interface area with the polymer layers. The polymer layers expand along the lateral direction causing bending displacement of the bimorph cantilever actuator. Moreover, the thermal expansion of this actuator is enhanced due to the constraint effect of polymer layers between rigid silicon plates. 3 A calculation of compressed displacement of a constrained rubber between two rigid surfaces based on the hydrostatic pressure is reported in Ref. 4. The hydrostatic pressure theory is expanded here by taking into account the thermal expansion of constrained polymer as a function of the ratio between the dimensions of the rigid plate and the thickness of the polymer block. Finally, the thermal displacement of the actuator is then calculated using bimorph bending theory.It is assumed that the plates have infinite length, the thickness of the polymer block h is much smaller than the width w of the plate ͑h Ӷ w͒, and the polymer is incompressible ͑Poisson's ratio S = 0.5͒. When the temperature of the structure changes by ⌬T degree, the volume thermal expansion of a polymer block is given by 5where V is the initial volume of the polymer block and ␣ T is the thermal expansion coefficient ͑CTE͒ of the polymer. In the case of no constraint, the volume of the polymer block expands in three dimensions, as indicated b...