Permasalahan yang terjadi di SD Negeri se-Kecamatan Gamping Yogyakarta pada olahraga sepak takraw adalah sebagian siswa ada yang belum terampil melakukan sepakmula, sepaksila, sepakkuda, heading, dan smash. Penelitian ini deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode surve. Subjek dalam penelitian adalah seluruh peserta ekstrakurikuler sepak takraw di SD Negeri se Kecamatan Gamping, berjumlah 22 siswa yang ditentukan dengan purposive saampling. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan metode tes keterampilan dasar bermain Sepak takraw terdiri dari: tes sepakmula, sepaksila, sepakkuda, heading dan smash. Teknik analisis disini berbentuk presentase keterampilan bermain Sepak takraw di SD Negeri se Kecamatan Gamping Yogyakarta dengan hasil “sangat kurang” 0% (0 siswa), “kurang” 40,91% (9 siswa), “sedang” 31,82% (7 siswa), “tinggi” 18,18% (4 siswa), dan “sangat tinggi” 9,09% (2 siswa). Dengan nilai rata-rata 49,99 dengan hasil keterampilan bermain Sepak takraw di SD Negeri se Kecamatan Gamping Yogyakarta dalam kategori “sedang”.Sepak Takraw: How ability of state elementary school in the Covid-19 Pandemic?AbstractThe problem that occurs in public elementary schools throughout the Gamping District of Yogyakarta in the sport of sepak takraw is that some students are not yet skilled at soccer, soccer, horse soccer, heading, and smash. This research is descriptive quantitative with a survey method. The subjects in the study were all participants of the sepak takraw extracurricular at State Elementary Schools in Gamping District, totaling 22 students who were determined by purposive sampling. This research instrument uses the basic skills test method for playing sepak takraw consisting of soccer, soccer, horse, heading, and smash tests. The analysis technique here is in the form of a percentage of the skills of playing sepak takraw in SD Negeri in Gamping District, Yogyakarta with the results of "very poor" 0% (0 students), "less" 40.91% (9 students), "moderate" 31.82% (7 students), “high” 18.18% (4 students), and “very high” 9.09% (2 students). With an average value of 49.99 with the results of the skills of playing sepak takraw at State Elementary Schools throughout the Gamping District of Yogyakarta in the "medium" category.