The general classical solution of the 3D electromagnetic pp-wave spacetime has been obtained. The relevant line element contains an arbitrary essential function providing an infinite number of in-equivalent geometries as solutions. A classification is presented based on the symmetry group. To the best of our knowledge, the solution corresponding to only one of the Classes is known. The dynamics of some of the Classes was also derived from a minisuperspace Lagrangian which has been constructed. This Lagrangian contains a degree of freedom (the lapse) which can be considered either as dynamical or non-dynamical (indicating a singular or a regular Lagrangian correspondingly). Surprisingly enough, on the space of classical solutions, an equivalence of these two points of view can be established. The canonical quantization is then used in order to quantize the system for both the singular and regular Hamiltonian. A subsequent interpretation of quantum states is based on a Bohm-like analysis. The semi-classical trajectories deviate from the classical only for the regular Hamiltonian and in particular for a superposition of eigenstates (a Gaussian initial state has been used). Thus, the above mentioned equivalence is broken at the quantum level. It is noteworthy that the semi-classical trajectories tend to the classical ones in the limit where the initial wavepacket is widely spread. Hence, even with this simple superposition state, the classical solutions are acquired as a limit of the semi-classical. *