The dithiophosphate additive TsD-13, which combines alkyl and aryl radicals in its own structure, is synthesized. In terms of anti-wear properties, it is not inferior to familiar dithiophosphates, whereupon it provides a high level of anti-scale properties to the oil.In a large portion of modern motor oils, the required level of anti-oxidizing, anti-wear, and anti-corrosion properties is provided primarily by the zinc dialkyl-or diaryl dithiophosphates contained in them. The widespread use of this type of additives for more than 60 years is explained by both the unique combination of anti-oxidizing and lubricating properties, and also their comparatively low production costs.The fitting-out of modern engines with a combustion system for spent gases dictates the need for restriction on the concentration of zinc dithiophosphates in the oil, since the phosphorus compounds that are formed during combustion of lube oil poison the burning catalyst. The requirements for limitation of phosphorus content in motor oils enters as a contradiction with the need to improve the anti-wear and anti-oxidizing (antiscale) properties of the oils.Voluminous research has been conducted in a number countries to replace zinc dithiophosphates with compounds that are more acceptable from the standpoint of environmental protection. Two additives, t h e p r o d u c t i o n o f e a c h o f w h i c h r e q u i r e s e x t e n s i v e o u t l a y s , m u s t b e i n t r o d u c e d t o r e p l a c e t h e dithiophosphate [1]. Complete replacement of dithiophosphates by an additive of the same level of functionalproperties, but which does not contain phosphorus is therefore not expected in the near future. Only the problem of lowering the phosphorus content in modern motor oils to 0.08-0.05% is the problem; this will provide for sufficient longevity of the burning catalysts.As we know, dithiophosphates exhibit a different level of functional properties, depending on the reagents selected (alcohols, alkylphenols), and the procedure used for their production. Dialkyl dithiophosphates produced from short-chain, especially secondary, alcohols possess the best anti-oxidizing and anti-wear properties.Thus, the TsD-7 additive [2], which is produced from short-chain alcohols,, including one secondary alcohol, exhibits good anti-oxidizing properties, and provides most heavy oils, including level-DM oils with the required anti-scale properties. A more thermally stable dithiophosphate may be needed to ensure the required level of anti-scale properties of the highest series of motor oils.
235Leading foreign companies produce various dithiophosphates. In addition to the TsD-7 additive, the dithiophosphates DF-11, DFB, and A-22 are produced in Russia from primary alcohols, as well as the diaryl dithiophosphate VNII NP-354. The technology adopted for production of the latter does not ensure its sufficiently high pH, and an additive is obtained with a lower thermal stability than can be achieved with zinc diaryl dithiophosphates.To ensure simultaneously good a...