Fulco CS, Muza SR, Beidleman BA, Demes R, Staab JE, Jones JE, Cymerman A. Effect of repeated normobaric hypoxia exposures during sleep on acute mountain sickness, exercise performance, and sleep during exposure to terrestrial altitude. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 300: R428 -R436, 2011. First published December 1, 2010; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00633.2010.-There is an expectation that repeated daily exposures to normobaric hypoxia (NH) will induce ventilatory acclimatization and lessen acute mountain sickness (AMS) and the exercise performance decrement during subsequent hypobaric hypoxia (HH) exposure. However, this notion has not been tested objectively. Healthy, unacclimatized sea-level (SL) residents slept for 7.5 h each night for 7 consecutive nights in hypoxia rooms under NH [n ϭ 14, 24 Ϯ 5 (SD) yr] or "sham" (n ϭ 9, 25 Ϯ 6 yr) conditions. The ambient percent O2 for the NH group was progressively reduced by 0.3% [150 m equivalent (equiv)] each night from 16.2% (2,200 m equiv) on night 1 to 14.4% (3,100 m equiv) on night 7, while that for the ventilatory-and exercise-matched sham group remained at 20.9%. Beginning at 25 h after sham or NH treatment, all subjects ascended and lived for 5 days at HH (4,300 m). End-tidal PCO 2, O2 saturation (Sa O 2 ), AMS, and heart rate were measured repeatedly during daytime rest, sleep, or exercise (11.3-km treadmill time trial). From pre-to posttreatment at SL, resting end-tidal PCO 2 decreased (P Ͻ 0.01) for the NH (from 39 Ϯ 3 to 35 Ϯ 3 mmHg), but not for the sham (from 39 Ϯ 2 to 38 Ϯ 3 mmHg), group. Throughout HH, only sleep Sa O 2 was higher (80 Ϯ 1 vs. 76 Ϯ 1%, P Ͻ 0.05) and only AMS upon awakening was lower (0.34 Ϯ 0.12 vs. 0.83 Ϯ 0.14, P Ͻ 0.02) in the NH than the sham group; no other between-group rest, sleep, or exercise differences were observed at HH. These results indicate that the ventilatory acclimatization induced by NH sleep was primarily expressed during HH sleep. Under HH conditions, the higher sleep Sa O 2 may have contributed to a lessening of AMS upon awakening but had no impact on AMS or exercise performance for the remainder of each day. ventilatory acclimatization; physical performance; hypobaric hypoxia; arterial oxygen saturation ALTITUDE ACCLIMATIZATION RESULTS from numerous interrelated physiological adjustments that compensate for hypoxemia, with augmented ventilation being one of the most important and consistently reported (17,18,22,28). Ventilatory acclimatization (VEacc) can be characterized by the progressive decrease in the end-tidal PCO 2 (PET CO 2 ) that leads to an increase in arterial O 2 saturation (Sa O 2 ) during the first several days of moderate-to high-altitude residence [hypobaric hypoxia (HH), reduced barometric pressure (P B ) and 20.9% O 2 ] (7, 28). The enhanced oxygenation is closely linked with reduced acute mountain sickness (AMS) and improved exercise performance during HH residence (1,11,12,14). Some studies show that VEacc can also be induced by 1-4 h of HH exposure repeated daily at altitudes of 4,300 -4,500 m ...