Legumes are considered as food crops with a strategic position in the aspects of economic, food, and nutrition in the world, including Indonesia. However, biotic and abiotic stresses conditions demand the development of newly improved varieties by utilizing plant genetic resources (PGR) through breeding. This review described how to optimally use legume germplasm collection and their breeding to improve varieties. In addition, how pre-breeding could bridge between the PGR and the breeding including genomics approach was explained. To further optimize the utilization of the germplasm, a core collection should be established by characterization and evaluation of the resistance/tolerance to desired important traits. To cope with the climate change challenges, pre-breeding should emphasize on the improvement of characters related to resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses. Various accessions in the gene bank have been identified to possess resistance/tolerance to abiotic (drought, submerge dan salinity) and biotic stresses. The PGR with well identified important characters will be more accessible and utilized easily as genes sources/donors for improving varieties, enriching the existing important characters in the released varieties. Significant progress have been made on legumes genomics, not only in soybean but also in the mungbean, red bean, pigeon pea, groundnut, chickpea, common bean and others. Genome-based markers and SNP genotyping platform with high throughput expectedly support breeding program of legume. Therefore, pre-breeding is a promising alternative to link the legume PGR and the breeding program.Keywords: Legumes, newly improved variety, pre-breeding, genomics.
ABSTRAKAneka kacang merupakan komoditas tanaman pangan yang menempati posisi strategis ditinjau dari aspek ekonomi, pangan, dan gizi di dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Namun, kondisi cekaman biotik dan abiotik menuntut perakitan varietas unggul dengan memanfaatkan secara optimal plasma nutfah atau sumber daya genetik (SDG) aneka kacang melalui pemuliaan. Dalam ulasan ini disampaikan tentang bagaimana memanfaatkan koleksi SDG aneka kacang secara optimal dan pemuliaannya dalam rangka perbaikan varietas. Pra-pemuliaan berperan dalam menjembatani koleksi SDG sebagai sumber gen dengan aktivitas pemuliaan termasuk aspek genomiknya. Untuk lebih mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan SDG, perlu dibuat koleksi inti (core collection), yaitu dengan cara mengarakterisasi dan mengevaluasi ketahanan/toleransinya terhadap sifat-sifat penting. Untuk menghadapi tantangan perubahan iklim, pra-pemuliaan dititikberatkan untuk mencari sumber gen yang tahan/toleran terhadap cekaman abiotik dan biotik. Berbagai aksesi aneka kacang yang dikoleksi dalam bank gen telah dilaporkan toleran terhadap cekaman abiotik (kekeringan, kerendaman, keracunan aluminium, dan salinitas tinggi) dan tahan terhadap cekaman biotik. SDG dengan karakter penting yang sudah teridentifikasi akan lebih mudah diakses dan diberdayakan sebagai sumber gen dalam perakitan varietas baru, sehingga akan m...