It is important to create positive attitudes and enough knowledge for preservice science teachers about renewable energy for future. The aim of this research was to show the correlation between renewable energy knowledge and subdimensions of attitude towards renewable energy with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The research was conducted by the analysis of 1145 pre-service teachers' answers to questionnaires data using SEM.Two questionnaires used for data collection which first was renewable energy knowledge scale that Cronbach's alpha was .82 and the second was renewable energy attitude scale that Cronbach's alpha was .87. Initially, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and Bartlett's tests were done with SPSS to test appropriateness of subdimensions to factor analysis. Exploratory factor analysis was done for the subdimensions that were seen to be suitable for factor analysis and then structural model was tested with LISREL. At the end of the SEM test, it was found that there are positive relations between renewable energy knowledge of preservice teachers and their attitudes towards renewable energy. The more knowledge and attitudes about renewable energy can be improved, the more positive attitudes and behaviors will be provided to individuals and the efficient use of renewable energy types will be realized.The renewable energy sources are resources such as solar, wind, wave, hydrogen, hydroelectric, biomass and geothermal energies (Liarakou, Gavrilakis, & Flouri, 2009). Solar energy, which forms the world's main energy source and is effective in the creation of other renewable energy sources, is, with thermal solar technology and solar batteries, the most commonly used energy source (Bayraç, 2011; Varınca & Gönüllü, 2008). Wind energy is motion (kinetic) energy that uses warm and cool air currents and, via wind turbines, this energy is first converted into mechanical energy and then into electrical energy. Biomass energy is the energy obtained from combustibles released as a result of the processing of urban, industrial, agricultural, wood and forestry wastes, ethanol and biodiesel (Hatunoğlu, 2010). Hydrogen energy is an energy source obtained by utilising primary energy sources (water, biomass, fossil fuels), and is stored with compounds that it makes with minerals in nature and, due to combustion, is released into the atmosphere only in the form of water vapour (Tutar & Eren, 2011). Geothermal energy comes from natural hot water sources heated by the core at the centre of the earth and is an important energy source for tourism and greenhouse cultivation (Külekçi, 2009). Hydroelectric energy is the energy obtained by the conversion of kinetic energy created by the movement of water into electrical energy (Aksu, 2009). Wave energy is the energy obtained from the waves created by winds formed as a result of different warming of the oceans, seas and land masses on the earth. Wind speed and wave size determine the amount of energy obtained (Gülsaç, 2009). As can be seen, renewable energy sources depend either directly or i...