Self compacting self curing concrete with lightweight aggregatesThe self compacting self curing concrete made by partially replacing fine aggregate with the light expanded clay aggregate and fly ash aggregate is described in the paper. At that, maximum 25 % of fine aggregate (measured by volume) was replaced. Fresh concrete properties and mechanical properties of self compacting self curing concrete were analysed. Test results indicate that all mixes satisfied the self compacting properties of concrete. Furthermore, the concrete mix with 15 % of expanded clay and the mix with 15 % of fly ash exhibited greater strength under self curing conditions, when compared to the control mix and other mixes. Samozbijajući beton s unutarnjom njegom i lakim agregatom U radu je opisan samozbijajući beton s unutarnjom njegom proizveden djelomičnom zamjenom sitnozrnatog agregata laganim agregatom od ekspandirane gline i agregatom od letećeg pepela. Ispitana su svojstva betona u svježem stanju i mehanička svojstva samozbijajućeg betona, pri čemu je najviše 25 % agregata (volumenski) zamijenjeno. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju da su sve mješavine zadovoljile zahtjeve za samozbijajući beton. Osim toga, mješavina s 15 % agregata od ekspandirane gline i mješavina s 15 % agregata od letećeg pepela postižu veću čvrstoću pri uvjetima unutarnje njege u usporedbi s čvrstoćama koje su postigle kontrolna mješavina i ostale mješavine.