Rats explore environments by sweeping their whiskers across objects and surfaces. Both sensor movement and repetitive sweeping typical for this behavior require that vibrotactile signals are integrated over time. While temporal integration properties of neurons along the whisker somatosensory pathway have been studied extensively, the consequences for behavior are unknown. Here, we investigate the ability of headfixed rats to integrate information over time for the detection of near-threshold pulsatile deflection sequences applied to a single whisker. Psychometric detection performance was assessed with whisker stimuli composed of different numbers of pulses (1-31) delivered at varying frequencies (10, 20, 100 Hz). Detection performance indeed improved with increasing number and frequency of pulses, albeit this improvement was much lower than predicted by probabilistic combination, suggesting highly sublinear integration of pulses. This behavioral observation was reflected in the firing properties of concomitantly recorded barrel cortex neurons, which showed substantial response adaptation to repetitive whisker deflection. To estimate the integration time with which barrel cortex neuronal activity must be read out to match behavior, we constructed a model monitoring spiking activity of simulated neuronal pools, where spike trains were channeled through a leaky integrator with exponential decay. Detection was accomplished by simple threshold crossings. This simple model gave an excellent match of neurometric and psychometric data at surprisingly small time constants of 5-8 ms, thus limiting integration largely to 辖25 ms. This result carries important implications regarding sensory processing for whisker-mediated perception.