One of the key assumptions of the Standard Model of fundamental particles is that the interactions of the charged leptons, namely electrons, muons, and taus, differ only because of their different masses. While precision tests have not revealed any definite violation of this assumption, recent studies of B meson decays involving the higher-mass tau lepton have resulted in observations that challenge lepton universality at the level of four standard deviations. A confirmation of these results would point to new particles or interactions, and could have profound implications for our understanding of particle physics.
MotivationMore than 70 years of particle physics research have led to an elegant and concise theory of particle interactions at the sub-nuclear level, commonly referred to as the Standard Model (SM) [1,2]. In the framework of the SM of particle physics the fundamental building blocks, quarks and leptons, are each grouped in three generations of two members each. The three charged leptons, the electron (e − ), the muon (µ − ) and the tau (τ − ) are each paired with a very low mass, electrically neutral neutrino, ν e , ν µ , and ν τ . The three generations are ordered by the mass m of the charged lepton ranging from 0.511 MeV for e ± to 105 MeV for µ ± , and 1,777 MeV for τ ± [3]. Charged leptons participate in electromagnetic and weak, whereas neutrinos only undergo weak interaction. The SM assumes that these interactions of the charged and neutral leptons are universal, i.e., the same for the three generations.Precision tests of lepton universality have been performed by many experiments. To date no definite violation of lepton universality has been observed. Among the most precise tests is a comparison of decay rates of K mesons, K − → e − ν e versus K − → µ − ν µ [4] [5]. Furthermore, taking into account precision measurements of the tau and muon masses and lifetimes, the measured decay rates τ − → e − ν e ν τ and µ − → e − ν e ν µ , have confirmed the equality of the weak coupling strengths of the tau and muon [3].However, recent studies of semileptonic decays of B mesons of the form B → D ( * ) − ν , with = e, µ, or τ , have resulted in observations that seem to challenge lepton universality. These weak decays are well understood in the framework of the SM, and therefore offer a unique opportunity to search for unknown processes, for instance non-SM couplings to yet undiscovered charged partners of the Higgs boson [6] or hypothetical leptoquarks [7]. Such searches have been performed on data collected by three different experiments, BABAR and Belle at e + e − colliders in the U.S.A. and in Japan, and LHCb at the proton-proton (pp) collider at CERN in Europe.In the following, details of the measurements, their results and preliminary studies to understand the observed effects will be presented, along with prospects for improved sensitivity and complementary measurements. This article is partially based on an earlier review with the same title [8].