Production of recombinant B-domaindeleted canine factor VIII (cFVIII-BDD) unexpectedly revealed superior protein yields with 3-fold increased specific activity relative to human FVIII-BDD (hFVIII-BDD). We also determined that activated cFVIII-BDD is more stable than activated hFVIII-BDD. Furthermore, cFVIII-BDD is efficient at inducing hemostasis in human plasma containing FVIII inhibitors.
Infusion of cFVIII-BDD in hemophilia
IntroductionHemophilia A (HA) is an X-linked bleeding disease resulting from a functional factor VIII (FVIII) deficiency affecting 1 in 5000 males worldwide. For several decades, the HA dog model has been the most extensively used for preclinical studies. 1 Notably, in 2 strains of dogs, the underlying mutation consists of an inversion in intron 22 of the FVIII gene that is analogous to the most common human mutation. 2 This model faithfully replicates the human disease at both genotypic and phenotypic levels. 3,4 To date, there is no characterization of the cFVIII protein resulting from difficulties in purifying large amounts from canine plasma and to the relative poor performance in recombinant FVIII expression systems in general. Although the cFVIII cDNA sequence has a high sequence identity to human FVIII (hFVIII), 5 adult HA dogs develop immune responses on exposure to hFVIII that preclude the assessment of the efficacy and safety of potential novel therapies for HA. Notably, among humans, even small nucleotide changes in the hFVIII gene may predispose to inhibitor formation. 6 To overcome these limitations, we established a heterologous expression system for cFVIII. Our findings uncovered unforeseen enhanced biologic properties of the protein. This work fills an important void for the study of cFVIII biologic properties and immune responses in HA dogs.
Production and characterization of recombinant cFVIII-BDDPermission was obtained from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the University of Pennsylvania and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for all studies. cFVIII-BDD 7 and hFVIII-BDD 8 were expressed in baby hamster kidney cells and purified as previously described (supplemental data and supplemental Table 1, available on the Blood website; see the Supplemental Materials link at the top of the online article). [8][9][10][11] Canine and human FVIII-BDD protein concentrations were determined by absorbance at 280 nm using an extinction coefficient (E 280 , 1%) of 1.60 and molecular weight of 160 000; these values, obtained with porcine FVIIIa, were assumed to be the same as canine and human FVIII-BDD. 12 Protein specific activity was determined by activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) with minor modifications. 13 Decay of activated FVIII activity was monitored by purified component assay using reconstituted human factor Xase complex and plasma models as previously described. 11 N-terminal sequencing was determined in the laboratory of Dr Alexander Kurosky and Steven Smith at University of Texas Medical Branch (Galveston, TX). Enzymatic cleavage of N-...