In this paper, we describe the decomposition of six algorithms: two partial differential equations (PDE) solvers (successive over-relaxation [SOR] and alternating direction implicit [ADI]), fast Fourier transform (FFT), Monte Carlo simulations, Simplex linear programming, and Sparse solvers. The algorithms were selected not only because of their importance in scientific applications, but also because they represent a variety of computational (structured to irregular) and communication (low to high) requirements. We present the performance results TM 1 of these algorithms on two shared-memory VAX/VMS multiprocessor prototypes: the VAX 6300 series with up to 8 processors and the M31 with up to 22 processors. We demonstrate that by efficient decomposition it is possible to achieve high performance for all algorithms on both prototypes. We describe the efficient decomposition techniques applied to optimize the performance of parallel algorithms. Also, we discuss the performance implications due to different cache designs on two multiprocessors.