Cyclic AMP is a ubiquitous secondary message that regulates a large variety of functions. The protein structural motif that binds cAMP is highly conserved with the exception of loops 3 and 4, whose structure and length are variable. The cAMP receptor protein of Escherichia coli, CRP, was employed as a model system to elucidate the functional roles of these loops. Based on the sequence differences between CRP and cyclic nucleotide gated channel, three mutants of CRP were constructed: deletion (residues 54 -56 in loop 3 were deleted), insertion (loop 4 was lengthened by 5 residues between Glu-78 and Gly-79) and double mutants. The effects of these mutations on the structure and function of CRP were monitored. Results show that the deletion and insertion mutations do not significantly change the secondary structure of CRP, although the tertiary and qua- Cyclic AMP serves as an intracellular message in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes by transmitting information through proteins such as protein kinase A (PKA) 1 , cyclic nucleotidegated ion channels (CNGC), and cAMP receptor protein in Escherichia coli (CRP). These proteins are involved in a very diverse set of cellular functions such as signal transduction, excitability, and gene expression (1-6). These proteins of diverse functions all consist of a cAMP binding motif. The structural motif, which serves as cAMP receptor, is found to display a high degree of similarity. X-ray crystallography and homology modeling results show that, despite obvious divergence of sequence among the receptor domains and significantly different biological functions of these proteins, their CNB domains appear to share a common architecture, all consisting of an ␣-helix (helix A), an eight-stranded -roll, and two more ␣-helices (helices B and C). The body of the CNB pocket is mainly located in the -roll, with the C-helix forming the back of the binding pocket (2,8). The superimposition of the structures of CNB domains from CRP and the regulatory subunits of PKA, as shown below in Fig. 1, indicates that the -roll basically assumes the same structure with the exception of loops 3 and 4 between strands 4 and 5, and strands 6 and 7, respectively. In some cases, such as in CNGC and PKA, loop 3 is shortened whereas loop 4 is lengthened, as shown in Fig. 1. Only six residues (Gly-33, Gly-45, Gly-71, Glu-72, Arg-82, and Ala-84 using the CRP sequence as reference) are invariant among all members of the families. It has been suggested that the invariant residues play important and conserved roles in the folding and function of the CNB sites of these diverse proteins. Gly-33, Gly-45, and Gly-71 are involved in turns between strands of the -roll; Arg-82 and Glu-72 contact the cyclic nucleotide, and the function of Ala-84 is uncertain (3). Despite large variation of primary sequences, the sizes of secondary structural elements of the CNB domain are much conserved among the family. For example, the alignment of CRP and CNGCs by keeping the six conserve residues at the same positions shows that the si...