“…Among such devices the MOSFET is perhaps the most important one that forms the basic component of VLSI circuits. The eOE ect of ionizing radiation on the performance of MOSFETs has been an active area of research over decades (Long 1967, Zaininger and Holmes Siedle 1967, Ma et al 1975, Winokur et al 1983, Benedetto and Boesch 1984, Galloway et al 1984, Stassinopoulos et al 1984, Wilson and Blue 1984, Ma and Dressendorfer 1989, Sco® eld et al 1991, Fleetwood et al 1994, Chumber et al 1996, Shanware et al 1996, Ekbote et al 1996. Ionizing radiation has a detrimental eOE ect on the characteristics of MOS devices and circuits.…”