Youth are people aged between 16 and 29 years. This age limit refers to the age limits used by international survey institutions such as The Pew Research Center and Gallup. The number of youth in the year is estimated at around 53 million. If we compare this number with the implementation of elections in Indonesia, this number is equivalent to the number of registered voters who did not exercise their voting rights in the 2009 Legislative Election, which was around 49 million. These statistical figures show how important and significant youth are in determining the direction of national political development [1]. This youth in 2014 is a new generation that has characteristics and characteristics, backgrounds, experiences and challenges that are different from those of the previous generations. Most of them come from students, have good economic status, and generally live in urban areas or surrounding areas. This group is very touched by the advancement of information technology, they use sophisticated technology tools well, ranging from mobile phones, laptops, tablets and various other gadgets. They are also very well versed in the use of facilities and social media networks, such as, twitter, facebook, linked in, and so on. They are very open to learning new, critical and independent things. This youth group certainly faces very difficult challenges, ranging from political changes and domestic problems that have not clearly resolved the direction to the pressures of globalization, free trade, terrorism, international intervention, and so on. Differences in the nature and character, background, experience and challenges of young people today need to be well understood, especially to prepare smart, critical and future-oriented youth. Coupled with the fact that the youth of this youth is the bearer of the leadership at the end of the 100 Years of the Republic of Indonesia in 2045 later. The Republic of Indonesia will still exist (exist) at that time will be very determined by these young people. The significant influence of youth and a significant number of political party elites in the 2014 Legislative Election yesterday with a lot of time spent campaigning among youth and recruiting youth