“…Several reliable and valid tools are widely used in palliative and hospice care medicine for assessing functional performance and predicting survival in patients with advanced illness (Simmons et al, 2017). The commonly used tools which include the Palliative Performance Scale (PPS), Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS), Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Death rattle (Terminal respiratory secretions) (Hui, Dos Santos et al, 2014;Wildiers & Menten, 2002) Decreased level of consciousness (Matsunami et al, 2018) ↓Food intake/Loss of Appetite (Matsunami et al, 2018) Respiratory breathing with mandibular movement (Hui, Dos Santos et al, 2014;Kaneishi et al, 2022) Agitation/Purposeless movement (Hui et al, 2015) Dysphagia to solid (Hui, Dos Santos et al, 2014) Cheyne-Stokes breathing (Goodridge et al, 2005;Hui, Dos Santos et al, 2014) Dysphagia to liquids (Hui, Dos Santos et al, 2014) Intractable pain (Hendriks et al, 2014) Absence of radial artery pulse (Hui, Dos Santos et al, 2014) Mottling (Hui et al, 2015) Dyspnea (Kehl & Kowalkowski, 2013) Urine output less than 200 ml/day (Hui, Dos Santos et al, 2014;Mori et al, 2021) ↓response to verbal stimuli (Hosoi et al, 2021) Delirium/Impaired consciousness (Breitbart & Alici, 2008;Matsunami et al, 2018) Non-reactive pupils (Hui et al, 2015) ↓response to visual stimuli (Hosoi et al, 2021) Cold/Cool extremities (Hui et al, 2015;Hui, Dos Santos et al, 2014) Grunting of vocal cords (Hui et al, 2015) Capillary refill >3 s (Hui et al, 2015) Refractory fatigue and weakness (Plonk & Arnold, 2005) Peripheral cyanosis (Hui, Dos Santos et al, 2014) Decreased speech…”