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AbstractThe luminescence of Sm 2+ substituting for Sr 2+ or Ba 2+ has been studied in SrFBr, BaFBr, BaFI and SrAlF 5 . The pressure induced shifts of the intra-configurational 5 D 0,1 → 7 F 0,1,2 observed in the MFX crystals are about three times larger than those observed in ruby, confirming thus some potential of these systems as pressure sensors.The comparison of excitation spectra in MFX shows that the position of the lowest 4f 5 5d 1 band shifts strongly to the red passing from SrFBr to BaFI. In BaFI, one observes simultaneously intra-configurational and inter-configurational emission.The non-degenerate 5 D 0 → 7 F 0 emission of Sm 2+ in SrAlF 5 confirms the presence of four crystallographic sites for Sr. Site selective spectra show clear differences for the different sites. Spectra as a function of pressure reveal different pressure shifts for the different sites.