A construction failure might be caused by so many factors, one of them is the poor properties of the subgrade. A subgrade with low bearing capacity and low shear strength can cause a large settlement. This problem usually occurs in an area where the soil receives too much water. The settlement phenomena can lead to forming a crack on any construction above it. On a sloped area or steep area, high soil shear strength prevents land sliding from occurring. To overcome soil problems mentioned before, stabilization is needed to improve soil's properties. In this research, soil stabilization is done by adding vermiculite to absorb excess moisture content. Silica in vermiculite can also improve soil's poor physical and mechanical behaviour. Meanwhile, the second additive is emulsified asphalt that acts as the adhesive substance to increase particle bonding of the soil. Emulsified asphalt percentage in this research is constant on 8% of the soil's weight, and the vermiculite varies from 3%, 5%, and 7% of the soil's weight. This research used soft soil and aimed to obtain the effect of stabilization mixture on soil's shear strength. Shear strength is a result of triaxial testing to get shear angle value and cohesion value. Shear angle represents the soil's ability to form friction to withstand sliding and the cohesion represents the soil boding for each particle. The expected result from this stabilization is in a certain percentage of emulsified asphalt and vermiculite mixture can strengthen the soil by increasing the shear angle and cohesion of the soil on the triaxial test, so the poor soil characteristic and strength will be improved.