Experiments were made to evaluate the feeding value of undecorticated (UCS) and decorticated (DCS) cottonseed cakes and defatted DCS for egg-type starter, broiler starter and finisher diets for chicks. The results showed that UCS on average contained 22% crude protein, 0-06% free-and 0-33% bound-gossypol and 4-9% available carbohydrate. The corresponding values for DCS were 38, 0-04, 0-63 and 9-5 %, respectively. Average metabolizable energy (ME) content of UCS, DCS and defatted DCS was 7-94, 11-77 and 9-42 MJ/kg, respectively. Apparent protein digestibilities of UCS, DCS and defatted DCS were 42, 47 and 36%, respectively. Although UCS had no effect on growth rate of egg-type and meat-type chicks when fed as 15% of the diet, feed conversion was adversely affected. Feeding DCS to broiler starter and finisher chicks as 30 % of the diet, replacing groundnut cake (GN) had no effect on growth rate and efficiency of protein utilization but feed conversion was affected. The chicks of either breed were able to tolerate 0-02% free-gossypol of the diet derived from UCS or DCS without any adverse effect on growth rate and internal organs.