EEG performs independent technical analyses of the suitability of the proposed site; the design of the repository, its planned operation, and its long-term integrity; suitability and safety of the transportation systems; suitability of the Waste Acceptance Criteria and the generator sites' compliance with them; and related subjects. These analyses include assessments of reports issued by the DOE and its contractors, other federal agencies and organizations, as they relate to the potential health, safety and environmental impacts from WIPP. Another important fhction of EEG is the independent environmental monitoring of background radioactivity in air, water, and soil, both Since there are 10 panels in the repository (two of them in the N-S access drifts), and the total CH-TRU waste capacity of the repository is 168,500 m3, each panel will have about 17,000 m3 of waste. Thus, 2,364 shipments are required to fill a panel, including the drifts north and south of the rooms. The shipments in Table 5 The limitations and uncertainties not considered in this projection include the delay in RCRA certification, limitations imposed by the DOE having only 15 TRUPACTS on 5 trailer trucks at this time until more are ordered, and the delay from the anticipated lawsuits. This can easily add one year to the schedule for Room 7, and perhaps another year or two to the schedule for panel 1 as a whole.In summary, therefore, we suggest that you assume one year for Room 7, and 4 years for the full Panel 1 as the optimistic schedule, and 7 years for the full panel as an alternate schedule.The EEG requested Dr. Maleki to address specific questions related to the stability of the Panel 1 rooms in his evaluation this year and what should be done to make operations in these rooms safe given the DOE decision to not abandon these rooms. Dr. Maleki's analysis shows that after a tertiary roof support system is emplaced in a room of Panel 1, the potential for roof falls is expected to be low during the first year, but will increase significantly two years after the installation of such a system. The postulated failure mechanism is the shear failure of the roof bolts due to lateral movement along Clay G approximately 7 ft above the roof of the room. During the waste vi emplacement operations it will not be possible to replace the failing bolts in areas containing waste, resulting in a domino effect of failing roof bolts, which will lead to roof instability. Room # 7 was outfitted with a tertiary roof support system in April 1998, when the one or two year clock for that room began.Dr. Maleki recommends using the external support system, e.g. columns of timber called "cribs", in addition to the internal support system of roof bolts to be instailed just before waste emplacement in a given room, to increase confidence in the stability of these rooms. He calculates that ifboth the internal and the external support systems are used and the rate of convergence of the roof does not accelerate, then the roof loads will most likely not be transferred to th...