Studies of vortex-induced aerodynamic nonlinearities associated with body and fin vortices for missile configurations have been performed. As part of this effort, the vortex and fin modeling methodologies in the engineering-level and intermediate-level aerodynamic predictions codes MISL3 and MISDL have been reviewed and improved. The ability of the methods to predict detailed fin loads in the presence of external vortices is demonstrated. Both codes have been used extensively to predict missile performance including canard/wing vortex induced effects on tail fins. These effects often manifest themselves in pitching moments and most dramatically in induced rolling moments on tail fins which counter, and often times reverse, the direct roll control of canard fins. Both codes have shown the capability to capture these vortexinduced phenomena. For validation purposes, the methods were compared to detailed vortex-fin interaction studies, performed at Sandia National Laboratories, which measured fin loads influenced by a vortex generated by an upstream fin.
AR= aspect ratio (two fins joined at root) C l = rolling moment/q ∞ S R l R C m = pitching moment/ q ∞ S R l R ; positive nose up C N = normal force/ q ∞ S R C NF = fin normal force/ q ∞ S R D = body diameter, maximum L = body length l R ,L REF = reference length q ∞ = freestream dynamic pressure S R ,S REF = reference area x CP = fin chordwise center of pressure, or overall configuration axial center of pressure y CP = fin spanwise center of pressure x HL = fin hinge line loaction x MC = moment center α = angle of attack, deg δ = fin deflection angle or angle of attack for fin alone, deg λ = fin taper ratio φ = roll angle, deg