“…To plan effective prevention and intervention of bullying and victimization, an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon and factors contributing to its prevalence is needed. Bullying and victimization are complex social phenomenona, as they involve a whole group of peers (Salmivalli, Lagerspetz, Bjorkqvist, & Osterman, 1996), so the factors influencing bullying and victimisation can be divided into three levels: school level (e.g., school climate; Gendron, Williams, & Guerra, 2011), class level (e.g., class norms concerning bullying and victimization; (Salmivalli, Voeten, & Poskiparta, 2011) and individual level (e.g., perceived peer support; Košir et al, 2019). Although predictors on all three levels are important when considering bullying and victimization, predictors on the individual level are the strongest ones (Saarento, Kärnä, Hodges, & Salmivalli, 2013).…”