A theoretical model describing the nonequilibrium processes occurring behind a normal shock wave in a hydrogen-helium mixture is developed by assembling the latest information on physical properties and by comparing the calculation with the two sets of shock-tube data obtained in the 1970s. The cross-section value of 4 10 17 for electronic excitation of hydrogen atoms by the impacts of hydrogen and helium atoms derived earlier by Leibowitz is confirmed. The intensity of radiation in a nonequilibrium flow is typically twice that in an equilibrium flow. A sample calculation is made for an entry flight in the atmosphere of Neptune to show that the radiative heat load under nonequilibrium is more than twice that under equilibrium.
A= reaction rate constant, cm 3 =s Ai; j = rate of radiative transition from state i to j, s 1 bc; i = free-bound radiative transition rate coefficient,average molecular speed, cm=s c = continuum (free, i.e., ionized) state Ei = energy level measured from the ground state of H, erg E v = vibrational-electron-electronic energy, J=kg E 1 = ionization potential of H, erg e = energy feedback factor f = Lyman-line escape factor, Eq. (48) H = flow enthalpy, J=kg H i = energy of ith reaction, J=mol h = Planck's constant I = radiation intensity, W=cm 2 m sr i, j = principal quantum number or row or column number in matrix M K e i; j = rate coefficient for transition from state i to state j by electron impact, cm 3 =s K H i; j = rate coefficient for transition from state i to state j by H impact, cm 3 =s K He i; j = rate coefficient for transition from state i to state j by He impact, cm 3 =s K n i; j = effective rate coefficient for transition from state i to state j by H and He impacts, Eq. (17), cm 3 =s k = 1:3806 10 16 , Boltzmann constant, erg=K k fi = ith term in ionization rate coefficient expression, unit varies k ri = ith term in ionic recombination rate coefficient expression, unit varies N E i; T = hypothetical number density of state i in equilibrium with the free state at T, cm 3 N H = number density of hydrogen atoms, cm 3 N He = number density of helium atoms, cm 3 Ni = number density of state i, cm 3 N e = electron number density, cm 3 N n = N H N He , cm 3 N = hydrogen ion-number density, cm 3 p = pressure, atm or Torr Q = power gained by radiation, W=m 3 q r = radiative heat flux, W=cm 2 s = preexponential power in rate coefficient, dimensionless T = heavy particle translational-rotational temperature, K T a = TT v p T d = reaction temperature, K T v = vibrational-electron-electronic temperature, K U s = shock velocity, km=s W = rate of chemical production, mol=kg s x = distance from shock wave, cm x e = equilibration distance, cm = emission coefficient, W=cm 3 m sr = absorption coefficient, cm 1 = equivalent mass, g = collision or radiation frequency, s 1 = gas density, kg=m 3 i = Ni=N E i; T H = cross section for H-impact excitation of H, cm 2 He = cross section for He-impact excitation of H, cm 2 = time to equilibration, s Subscripts E = equilibrium e = electron v =...