“…These discussions suggest a negative relationship between policy uncertainty and the bid premiums. We run the bid premiums regressions on PU while controlling for other firm and deal characteristics, including SIZE, MARKET-TO-BOOK RATIO, BOOK LEVERAGE, PAST 12 MONTH STOCK RETURNS, FIRM AGE, AVERAGE SALES GROWTH, NONCASH WORKING CAPITAL, EXCESS CASH, STOCK DUMMY, CASH DUMMY (the mixed stock-cash payment is left out to avoid perfect collinearity), HIGH TECH DUMMY, DIVERSIFYING DUMMY, HOSTILE DUMMY, PUBLIC TARGET DUMMY, and CHALLENGE DUMMY (Officer (2003), Dimopoulos and Sacchetto (2014)). Columns 1 and 2 of Table 6 report the results of the bid-premium regressions with and without industry fixed effects, respectively.…”