Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a common inflammatory disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) in which the myelin sheath is targeted and subsequently degraded. In MS, disease modifying therapies (DMT) aim to decrease the relapse rates and decrease the number of lesions in the brain and spinal cord. Several different types of DMTs exist with distinct properties and mechanisms of action. This is beneficial because the clinical course of MS varies from individual to individual, and so treatment must be tailored to each individual's unique disease.Since the proportion of women with MS is larger than that of men, the concept of managing MS with DMT while also taking into account pregnancy and fertility issues constitutes an important discussion. DMT may be useful for treating MS, but it can have negative effects on a woman if she is pregnant, trying Keywords: Multiple Sclerosis; Pregnancy; Disease Modifying Therapy; Teratogenicity; Breastfeeding Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common inflammatory condition of the central nervous system. Disease modifying therapy (DMT) aims to reduce relapse rates and decrease the quantity of lesions in the brain and spinal cord. Since MS is more prevalent in women than men, it is important to be aware of the interplay between MS and pregnancy. As MS can engender sexual dysfunction, primarily in the form of decreased desire and fatigue, it thereby affects conception. Hormonal differences between women with MS compared to women without MS include an increase in follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, and a decrease in testosterone. While fluctuations in estrogen result in a reduction in MS relapse rates during pregnancy, a subsequent increase in the post-partum period is observed. The mechanism of action and side effects of DMTs are described in this paper, including interferon, glatiramer acetate, and some newer medications. Although there are no recommended guidelines on the use of DMTs during pregnancy, it is generally agreed upon to cease their use prior to conception if possible, and the decision to continue a DMT should take into account the benefits to the mother and the risks to the fetus. Comprehending the mechanisms of action and teratogenicity indices of DMTs is crucial in understanding their effects on MS during pregnancy, which is an important aspect of providing health care to women with this condition.Tarneer Johal, BSc 1 1 Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia ABSTRACT RÉSUMÉ La sclérose en plaques (SP) est l'affection inflammatoire du système nerveux central la plus commune. Le traitement modificateur de la maladie (DMT, de l'anglais) vise à réduire les taux de poussées et à diminuer le nombre de lésions au cerveau et à la moelle épinière. Comme la SP est plus prévalente chez les femmes que chez les hommes, il est important de reconnaître l'interaction entre la SP et la grossesse. Puisque la SP peut engendrer une dysfonction sexuelle, principalement en raison d'une diminution du désir sexuel et de la fatigue, elle affecte la conception...