The new benzoxazole derivative nataxazole was isolated from Streptomyces sp. (strain Tü 6176). Nataxazole is related in structure to the potent antitumor compounds UK-1 and AJI9561 and showed similar strong growth inhibitory activity against various human tumor cell lines.Keywords benzoxazole derivative, HPLC-diode array screening, antitumor activity, structure elucidation, Streptomyces Freshly isolated actinomycetes from soils collected in the environment of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil, were grown in submerged culture in different media, and extracts prepared from mycelia and culture filtrates at various fermentation times were screened by HPLC-diode array analysis in combination with an in-house developed HPLC-UV-Vis database [2] to detect novel secondary metabolites. Strain Tü 6176 was found to be of special interest as it gave a mycelium extract that contained a dominant peak in the HPLC profile with a retention time of 14.8 minutes in standard reversed-phase gradient elution [2]. Its characteristic UV-visible spectrum (Fig. 1) differed from that of 867 reference compounds stored in the HPLC-UVVis database. Due to the collection site and its chemical structure (Fig. 2), the compound was named nataxazole (1).Strain Tü 6176 (RN-13.5) was isolated from a soil sample collected at Mata da Estrela, RN, Brazil. It was examined for a number of key properties known to be of value in streptomycete systematics. The presence of LLdiaminopimelic acid in the peptidoglycan [3] together with