Abstract:Background:Case Presentations: ISSN
2572-102XCaesarean section has increased dramatically all over the world over the last few decades. It is expected that more complications will be encountered as the Caesarean section rate increases.Infection is becoming one of the leading causes of maternalmorbidity and mortality [1]. In the last confidential inquiry in maternal death, maternal sepsis was among the causes of maternal mortality [2]. In developing countries, infection and sepsis plays even larger role in maternal mortality and morbidity.
Keywords:Nourah Al Qahtani A 27 years woman in her first pregnancy had an uncomplicated Caesarean section due to foetal distress of one of the twins. The postoperative period was complicated by Caesarean section uterine wall dehiscence, bacteraemia and generalized peritonitis. She was started on antibiotics. The main objective was to treat the infection and to try to avoid hysterectomy as the patient was strongly wishing tokeep her uterus. CT scan guided aspiration of the peritoneal fluid was done with two drains. In addition to the patient's refusal to have hysterectomy, she was also at a great risk for anaesthesia due to the development of bilateral pleural effusion, hepatosplenomegaly and marked thrombocytosis. After two weeks, she improved clinically. The pleural effusion, hepatosplenomegaly and the thrombocytosis disappeared. She had laparotomy to repair the uterine defect. This was done and the patients was discharged home in good condition