The in-plane optical conductivity of UPd2Al3 was measured at temperatures 2 K < T < 300 K in the spectral range from 1 cm −1 to 40 cm −1 (0.14 meV to 5 meV). As the temperature decreases below 25 K a well pronounced pseudogap of 0.2 meV develops in the optical response. In addition we observe a narrow conductivity peak at zero frequency which at 2 K is less than 1 cm −1 wide but which contains only a fraction of the delocalized carriers. The gap in the electronic excitations might be an inherent feature of the heavy fermioin ground state.PACS numbers: 71.27.+a, 74.70.Tx, The heavy fermion (HF) compound UPd 2 Al 3 is one of the few materials which shows coexistence of superconductivity and magnetic ordering [1]. Susceptibility as well as resistivity data indicate the formation of a coherent state below a characteristic Kondo-lattice temperature T * ≈ 20 K; commensurate antiferromagnetic (AF) order develops below T N = 14 K, superconductivity sets in at T c = 2 K. For 2 K < T < 14 K the electronic specific heat shows a C el /T ∝ T 2 dependence; the effective mass of the charge carriers is estimated as m * /m 0 ≈ 50 [1,2] indicating strongly correlated electronic states in coexistence with the long-range AF order. It was suggested [3] that two different groups of uranium 5f states exist in UPd 2 Al 3 : one group is assumed to be rather localized and responsible for the magnetic properties whereas the states of another sort are less localized and responsible for the superconductivity of the compound.Optical experiments have proven to be sensitive to the formation of heavy quasiparticles [4]. In the HF compounds above T * the optical conductivity reveals a broad Drude behavior which characterizes normal metals. Below T * the increase in the density of states (DOS) at low energies is commonly described by the formation of a narrow Drude-like response with a renormalized scattering rate Γ * [5]. The signature of magnetic ordering in the optical response of heavy fermions was studied in Ref. [6]. In spin-density-wave (SDW) systems like URu 2 Si 2 , the opening of a single-particle gap in the electronic DOS at the Fermi surface is clearly seen in the optical properties [6,7]. No effect of the magnetic ordering was found in the infrared response of UPd 2 Al 3 so far. Neutron scattering results [8] reveal rather large ordered moments which reside predominantly at the uranium sites. Based on this experimental evidence, UPd 2 Al 3 was described as a local-moment magnet and hence, the magnetic ordering should have only a minor influence on the electronic DOS. In this Letter we report on optical experiments at millimeter-submillimeter (mm-submm) wavelengths which clearly show the development of a pseudogap in the DOS in UPd 2 Al 3 below 25 K; our preliminary study on another film [9] showed the same features in the optical response; these findings cannot be easily explained by existing models.The highly c-axis oriented thin (150 nm) film of UPd 2 Al 3 was prepared on (111) oriented LaAlO 3 substrate (thickness 0.924 mm) by ele...