DOI: 10.1063/1.2357843
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Preparation, characterization, and impedance studies of LiSbM(PO4)3 (M=Al, Fe, and Cr)

Abstract: Articles you may be interested inLow temperature ac electrical study of Pr0.5−xLaxCa0.5MnO3 (x=0.0-0.4) ceramics by employing impedance spectroscopy Lithium containing sodium superionic conductors of composition LiSbM͑PO 4 ͒ 3 ͑M = Al, Cr, and Fe͒ were prepared by solid-state method and were characterized by powder x-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. All compounds were found to crystallize in rhombohedral lattice with space group R3c. They show characteristic PO 4 vibrational bands. The dc conductivit… Show more

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Cited by 8 publications
(4 citation statements)
References 44 publications
(21 reference statements)
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“…In NZP type systems, type I sites are completely occupied by "A" ions and type II sites are vacant while in Na 4 Zr 2 Si 3 O 12 , both types I and II sites are completely filled with "A" ions. Nasicon systems with monovalent cations at "A" site are extensively studied compared to systems containing divalent cations at this site [15]. Among the Nasicon family of compounds, structures with divalent manganese at the "A" site are unique.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In NZP type systems, type I sites are completely occupied by "A" ions and type II sites are vacant while in Na 4 Zr 2 Si 3 O 12 , both types I and II sites are completely filled with "A" ions. Nasicon systems with monovalent cations at "A" site are extensively studied compared to systems containing divalent cations at this site [15]. Among the Nasicon family of compounds, structures with divalent manganese at the "A" site are unique.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Recently, for Li 3-2x Cr 2-x Ta x (PO 4 ) 3 system, the maximum conductivity of 8⋅4 × 10 -6 S cm -1 at 298 K for x = 0⋅8 was obtained and it has been enhanced by about three to five times by the addition of lithium salts like Li 2 O or Li 3 PO 4 or Li 3 BO 3 (Aono et al 2004). In continuation of our work on NASICON related materials, specially Li and Sb containing compositions (Rambabu et al 2006), we report here the preparation, characterization *Author for correspondence (muga_vithal@osmania.ac.in) and conductivity studies of NASICON type solid solution of composition, Li 3-2x Al 2-x Sb x (PO 4 ) 3 (x = 0⋅6-1⋅4) (hereafter abbreviated as LASP(x)).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 76%
“…For sodium-free single crystals, very high conductivities (2.7 Â 10 À3 and 0.18 S cm À1 at 25 and 300 C, respectively) and E a ¼ 23 kJ mol À1 were reported [203], but no data are available for ceramics. Two topologically different framework types with the general formula Li x M 2 T 3 O 12 [1, 2, 6, 10-13, [204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212] are based on lanterns of two MO 6 octahedra corner-linked with three TO 4 tetrahedra (Figure 7.21, I). One of these frameworks (R), typified by LiTi 2 (PO 4 ) 3 , is of the NASICON type (see Figure 7.15), with the lanterns in parallel orientation; in another framework (P), typified by Li 3 M 2 (PO 4 ) (M ¼ Sc, Cr, Fe), the lanterns are inclined alternatively in opposite directions (Figure 7.21, II).…”
Section: Mixed Framework Of Oxygen Octahedra and Tetrahedramentioning
confidence: 99%