Source of materialThe title compound was prepared by a hydrothermal method (Teflon-lined stainless steel bomb, 493 K, 7 d, slow furnace cooling) from a mixture of SC2O3, arsenic acid, Li2CC>3 and distilled water. The pH value of both starting and reacted solutions was about 3. ScAsC>4 -H2O formed tiny indistinct colorless plates. and the molybdates and tungstates Ai"X0 4 • H 2 0 (M = Mg, Mn; X = Mo, W) [8,9]. Thus, the title compound represents the first arsenate within this small family of isotypic oxysalts which contain Af20g(H20)2 (M= di-or bivalent metal) dimers built of edge-sharing MOf, octahedra (see below for more details). Although ScPC>4 -H2O has not been reported yet, it should be investigated if this compound exists and if it also adopts the structure type which was originally described for M11M0O4 • H2O 708(3) A], The linkage results in a three-dimensional framework with small voids into which is pointing the apical water ligand (OW5) of the ScOsilfeO) octahedron. Although the hydrogen atoms could neither be clearly identified nor refined, the residual electron densities close to the OW5 atom at least suggest that the H positions are probably close to those in MnMo04 • H2O [8]. Hydrogen-bonding is estimated to be weak. Distances between OW5 and possible acceptor atoms are all larger than 2.75 A.Bond-valence sums for all atoms were calculated using the bondvalence parameters from Brese & O'Keeffe [11], They amount to 3.05 (Sc), 5.08 (As), 1.99 (Ol), 1.84 (02), 2.05 (03), 1.83 (04) and 0.43 (OW5) valence units, and thus are all reasonably close to ideal valencies. ScAsC>4 -H2O is the first compound to contain a Sc2C>8(H20)2 dimer. However, a topologically very similar SC2O10 dimer built of two edge-sharing ScC>6 octahedra exists in the orthorhombic silicate Na4Sc2SuOi3 [12].