The central dogma of biology proposed that one gene encodes for one protein. We now know that this does not reflect reality. The human body has approximately 20,000 protein-encoding genes; each of these genes can encode more than one protein. Proteins expressed from a single gene can vary in terms of their post-translational modifications, which often regulate their function within the body. Understanding the proteins within our bodies is a key step in understanding the cause, and perhaps the solution, to disease. This is one of the application areas of proteomics, which is defined as the study of all proteins expressed within an organism at a given point in time. The human proteome is incredibly complex. The complexity of biological samples requires a combination of technologies to achieve high resolution and high sensitivity analysis. Despite the significant advances in mass spectrometry, separation techniques are still essential in this field. Liquid chromatography is an indispensable tool by which low-abundant proteins in complex samples can be enriched and separated. However, advances in chromatography are not as readily adapted in proteomics compared to advances in mass spectrometry. Biologists in this field still favour reversed-phase chromatography with fully porous particles. The purpose of this review is to highlight alternative selectivities and stationary phase morphologies that show potential for application in top-down proteomics; the study of intact proteins.