Racial differences in dental crown morphology have long been recognized, but the frequency of genetically determined variations in root form and canal anatomy has not been established. Features of root and root canal morphology that occur at particularly high frequency in Mongoloid populations have not been systematically documented, and the implications that such features may have upon clinical endodontics have not been fully reported. In this study 100 maxillary first premolars extracted from Hong Kong Chinese patients were examined visually and radiographically. For each tooth, the number of roots, root canals, and apical foramina were noted. Sixty per cent of the maxillary first premolars examined were found to be single‐rooted, but only 13% were found to have a single canal. The high frequency of single‐rooted teeth with two canals suggests that the single‐rooted condition represents a fusion, occurring in the relatively recent past, of two original roots.