When the core hydrogen is exhausted during stellar evolution, the central region of a star contracts and the outer envelope expands and cools, giving rise to a red giant. Convection takes place over much of the star's radius. Conservation of angular momentum requires that the cores of these stars rotate faster than their envelopes; indirect evidence supports this 1,2 . Information about the angular-momentum distribution is inaccessible to direct observations, but it can be extracted from the effect of rotation on oscillation modes that probe the stellar interior. Here we report an increasing rotation rate from the surface of the star to the stellar core in the interiors of red giants, obtained using the rotational frequency splitting of recently detected 'mixed modes' 3,4 . By comparison with theoretical stellar models, we conclude that the core must rotate at least ten times faster than the surface. This observational result confirms the theoretical prediction of a steep gradient in the rotation profile towards the deep stellar interior 1,5,6 .The asteroseismic approach to studying stellar interiors exploits information from oscillation modes of different radial order n and angular degree l, which propagate in cavities extending at different depths 7 . Stellar rotation lifts the degeneracy of non-radial modes, producing a multiplet of (2l 1 1) frequency peaks in the power spectrum for each mode. The frequency separation between two mode components of a multiplet is related to the angular velocity and to the properties of the mode in its propagation region. More information on the exploitation of rotational splitting of modes may be found in the Supplementary Information. An important new tool comes from mixed modes that were recently identified in red giants 3,4 . Stochastically excited solar-like oscillations in evolved G and K giant stars 8 have been well studied in terms of theory [9][10][11][12] , and the main results are consistent with recent observations from space-based photometry 13,14 . Whereas pressure modes are completely trapped in the outer acoustic cavity, mixed modes also probe the central regions and carry additional information from the core region, which is probed by gravity modes. Mixed dipole modes (l 5 1) appear in the Fourier power spectrum as dense clusters of modes around those that are best trapped in the acoustic cavity. These clusters, the components of which contain varying amounts of influence from pressure and gravity modes, are referred to as 'dipole forests'.We present the Fourier spectra of the brightness variations of stars KIC 8366239 (Fig. 1a), KIC 5356201 ( Supplementary Fig. 3a) and KIC 12008916 ( Supplementary Fig. 5a), derived from observations with the Kepler spacecraft. The three spectra show split modes, the spherical degree of which we identify as l 5 1. These detected multiplets cannot have been caused by finite mode lifetime effects from mode damping, because that would not lead to a consistent multiplet appearance over several orders such as that shown in Fig. 1. ...