A colloid of RuO2, prepared by thermal decomposition of RuCI3, was characterized with respect to its colloid-chemicalproperties and assessed as a catalyst for photochemical production of hydrogen. The RuO2 proved to be unstable towards coagulation, even under conditions of low electrolyte concentration and in the presence of polymers. The sol manifested the same electric double layer characteristics as many other oxide dispersions. The point of zero charge (p.z.c.) in indifferent electrolyte was positioned at pH 5.75.Adsorption of methylviologen (MV2+), a commonly used electron relay in photochemical systems, at the RuO2/solution interface is mainly a result of attractive coulombic interactions (above the p.z.c, of RuO2)~ No indications have been found that it adsorbs on RuO 2 under the operational conditions of hydrogen production. In the hydrogen production system, the mass transfer of methylviologen radicals (MV § is a rate-limiting factor. As a function of the methylviologen concentration, the catalytic production of hydrogen passes through a maximum.